You’re magical AF.

Step into the realm of multi-dimensional manifesting, where the power to sculpt your dream life lies. This isn't just your average Law of Attraction type thing– it's a journey into the depths of your subconscious mind, guided by the art of brain reprogramming with hypnosis.

But there’s more to this alchemic cosmic cocktail. I’ll show you how to unlock your full potential through a blend of ancient techniques like mantra, breathwork, and meditation – each one a potent tool to supercharge your energy field and ignite your inner spark.

Here's the reason why it works: when you dismantle limiting beliefs and spiritual blockages, you pave the way for a total mind and soul upgrade. It’s like getting a blueprint for success that's been infused with positivity, possibility, and boundless potential.

Not sure what service is right for you? Book a free 15-minute consultation

Alchemy Services

Hypnotherapy £79

  • Think of hypnosis as a turbocharged tool for rewiring your brain, smashing through barriers, and tapping into your full potential. It's like flipping the script on your reality, rewriting the story of who you are and what you're capable of.

    Anything is possible with hypnosis including weight loss, stop smoking, boosting confidence, issues around sex drive, productivity and more.

    So, if you're ready to break free from the chains of your old patterns and limitations, get ready to explore the wild and wonderful world of hypnosis.

    This is a 1 hour session PLUS an initial 30 minute consultation

Multi-Dimensional Manifesting £197

  • Welcome to the realm of multi-dimensional manifesting, where the cosmic canvas of your dreams awaits your artistic touch. It's not just about wishful thinking – it's about diving deep into the quantum fabric of reality and sculpting your destiny with intention, purpose, and a touch of magic.

    With the powerful tools of tapping, mantra, hypnosis, and breathwork, we will be doing more than surface-level manifestations. Get ready to dive deep into the trenches of your subconscious mind, clearing out limiting beliefs like cobwebs in the attic and creating an energetic environment so charged with possibility that your dreams can't help but come to life.

    Your multi-dimensional adventure awaits – let's manifest some magic together!

    This is a 1.5 hr Zoom healing session PLUS a 30 minute initial consultation

Past life regression £297

  • Do you find yourself stuck in repeating patterns, wondering why certain situations keep cropping up in your life? Are you struggling with unresolved issues or mysterious ailments that just won't seem to go away? It's time to dive deep into the realms of your past lives to uncover the answers you seek.

    Whether you're dealing with relationship issues, health concerns, or simply seeking greater clarity and purpose in life, Past Life Regression can offer profound insights and healing. By understanding the origins of your struggles, you'll be empowered to create positive change and live a happier, healthier, and more productive life.