My readings are more than just

They’re a deep-dive into your past, present and future. Using tarot, numerology and my trusty psychic intuition, I'll tap into the very essence of your being. We're talking soul connections, higher self vibes, ancestral wisdom, and messages straight from the universe. Prepare for some seriously mind-blowing cosmic downloads!


Tarot Reading £77

  • Are you looking for straight-up truths about matters of the heart, career conundrums, or just craving some cosmic clarity? Let's cut through the noise and uncover what’s really happening in your relationships, unveil the path to your purpose, and shine a spotlight on any pesky mental, emotional, or spiritual roadblocks standing in your way.

    Or maybe you have wondered if your current situation is because of a past life saga or a deep-rooted ancestral tale? My past life / ancestral reading is like tapping into the cosmic archives of your soul. You’ll find out the ancient blessings, karma, and sacred promises stacked up over millennia, just waiting for you to master, clear or resolve once and for all.

    This is a 1 hr Zoom reading which will be recorded for you.

Numerology & Tarot £147

  • Find out how your digits are impacting your destiny. In this numerology meets tarot reading, you will find out:

    How your date of birth influences your personality, love style and health

    Potent energy of the letters in your name and how to harness them

    Hidden karma and how to confront it once and for all

    The ancestral challenges and gifts that are hardcoded in your DNA

    The energy of your door number and what this means for you and the people you live with

    Once you get this reading, everything in your life will finally start adding up!

    Numerology readings are calculated using your full name (including middle) and your date of birth. This is a 1.5 hr Zoom reading which will be recorded for you.